Prints & Artwork

Prints & Framing

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All of our prints are available as unframed archival prints produced on the highest quality premium 230gsm matte paper, Or can be purchased framed in a selection of finishes that arrive ready to hang on your wall. Our prints both framed and unframed are made to order in Australia in a variety of sizes and framing options. 

All frames are produced in Melbourne, Australia. Made from environmentally sustainable timber they are available in either a smooth white, matte black or natural timber finish. Each complete with a solid 3mm MDF backing & fitted hanging kit ready for display.

Over-sized A0 frames feature a premium 2mm shatter-proof acrylic window, are vacuum mounted & come with a 10 year guarantee. 
Sizes A1, A2, A3 & A4 are framed with real 2mm thick glass.
Frame outer profile dimensions: W20mm x H30-40mm

All artwork is made to order. Print only options are dispatched within 2-5 business days. Any framing is customised to your print & will be produced & dispatched within 4-10 business days. Standard transit times apply. 
Large sizes may encounter bulk shipping rates if delivery is to a remote location.